Migros (German pronunciation: [ˈmiɡro]) is Switzerland’s largest retail company, its largest supermarket chain and largest employer. It is also one of the forty largest retailers in the world. It is structured in the form of a cooperative federation (the Federation of Migros Cooperatives), with more than two million members.

It co-founded Turkey’s largest retailer, Migros Türk, which became independent of Migros Switzerland in 1975.

The name comes from the French “mi” for half or mid-way and “gros”, which means wholesale. Thus the word connotes prices that are halfway between retail and wholesale. The logo of the company is a large orange M. Migros is often referred to as “the orange giant” (German: oranger Riese, French: géant orange, Italian: gigante arancio), an expression presumably borrowed from Germany, where Deutsche Telekom is often referred to as i.e. “the pink giant”[1]